Detailed Pan Granulation Process

First, deliver the powder fertilizer into the disc evenly. When working, the spray device on pan pellet making machine adds the water into the disc . The moisture is the key to form granules. Within 5-8minutes, fertilizer pellets will be formed. After granulation, you can get the finished fertilizer pellets with about 30% moisture. When reaching the required size, the qualified fertilizer granules will be discharged from the machine automatically. With FPC pan fertilizer granulation machine, you can produce 1-8mm fertilizer pellets.

The above data are just for your reference. The disc granulator manufactured from FPC has high working efficient and high granulate rate. For example, FPC disc granulator can granulate the fertilizer continuously. You can produce 0.02t-6t fertilizer pellets per hour by using pan granulator. What’s more, pellet rate of FPC plate granulator is more than 93%.

Two Methods to Adjust Granules Size

In addition, you can adjust the fertilizer pellets size with the pan pellet making machine. There are two ways to adjust the fertilizer granules size. One is control the moisture. You can adjust the spray system to control the water content. The more water, the bigger granules. The other is to adjust pan slop angle. Sharper slope, smaller size.

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